Page Break

Force page breaks when printing pages.

The Page Break utility allows you to specify a new physical page when printing a web page. It doesn’t affect the view in a web browser.


Use the page-break class on an empty element to create a block element that forces a page break after the element on printed pages. When the element is empty it hides the element on non-print contexts (web browers).

Printed page 1 ends here.

Printed page 2 starts here.

<p>Printed page 1 ends here.</p>
<div class="page-break"></div>
<p>Printed page 2 starts here.</p>

It can also be used on any block level element.

Printed page 1 ends here.

Printed page 2 starts here.

<p class="page-break">Printed page 1 ends here.</p>
<p>Printed page 2 starts here.</p>

Warning about doing this, it adds display: block; and clear: both; to the element when printed, which can sometimes cause unexpected results, and results different than the web view. We therefore recommend using page-break on an empty div like the first example.