Popular Icons

Popular Icons for UI elements.

Our icon set uses Font Awesome v6 as the base icon set and expands it with custom icons for proprietary Webstop products.


<i class="fak fa-add-circle"></i>

The following icons are approved by our design team for general usage. More icons can be found at Font Awesome v6. You have all the Font Awesome v6 icons available, but the use of some of them is discouraged.

up arrow direction

Arrow Up

fa-solid fa-angle-up

down arrow direction

Arrow Down

fa-solid fa-angle-down

right forward arrow direction next

Arrow Right

fa-solid fa-angle-right

right back arrow direction return

Arrow Left

fa-solid fa-angle-left

help question ?


fa-solid fa-question-circle



fa-solid fa-info-circle

share social


fa-solid fa-arrow-up-from-square

search magnifying inspect filter look up lookup find


fa-solid fa-search

cloud internet


fa-solid fa-cloud

cloud internet download

Cloud Download

fa-solid fa-cloud-download

cloud internet upload

Cloud Upload

fa-solid fa-cloud-upload

add create new plus expand circle solid

Add or Create

fak fa-add-circle

delete remove end contract collapse destroy minus solid

Delete or Remove

fak fa-delete-circle

edit pencil update modify

Edit or Update

fa-solid fa-edit

read show view display visit select go

View or Show

fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-right

cancel close end hide remove escape return undo

Cancel or Close

fak fa-cancel-circle

user login signin log-in sign-in consumer account

& Login

fa-solid fa-person-to-portal

user signup sign-up registration register consumer account

Sign-Up & Registration

fa-solid fa-user-plus

user logout signout log-out sign-out consumer account

Sign-Out & Logout

fa-solid fa-person-from-portal

user profile update edit consumer account

Edit Account

fa-solid fa-user-pen

user confirmation success consumer account

Account Confirmation

fa-solid fa-user-check

user settings consumer account

Account Settings

fa-solid fa-user-gear

For most uses you should use the Popular Icons listed above. The following icons are are available for unusual use cases or to match specific branding requirements.

add create new plus expand solid

Alternative for Add

fak fa-add-hexagon

add create new plus expand solid

Alternative for Add

fak fa-add-octagon

add create new plus expand solid

Alternative for Add

fak fa-add-square

add create new plus expand solid

Alternative for Add

fak fa-add

delete remove end contract collapse destroy minus solid

Alternative for Delete

fak fa-delete-hexagon

delete remove end contract collapse destroy minus solid

Alternative for Delete

fak fa-delete-octagon

delete remove end contract collapse destroy minus solid

Alternative for Delete

fak fa-delete-square

delete remove end contract collapse destroy minus solid

Alternative for Delete

fak fa-delete

read show view display visit select go

Alternative for View

fa-solid fa-square-chevron-right

cancel close end hide remove escape return undo

Alternative for Cancel

fak fa-cancel-hexagon

cancel close end hide remove escape return undo

Alternative for Cancel

fak fa-cancel-octagon

cancel close end hide remove escape return undo

Alternative for Cancel

fak fa-cancel-square

cancel close end hide remove escape return undo

Alternative for Cancel

fak fa-cancel

user login signin log-in sign-in consumer account

Alternative for Sign-In

fa-solid fa-person-walking-arrow-right