Shopping List Power Bar

Site wide shopping list side car.


The shopping list side car sits inside the site template and persists across page views. It uses a “side car” approach, that is to say it slides out from the right side of the page and retreats back off the page.

{% capture example %} {% include examples/shopping-lists/_shopping-list-power-bar-example.html %} {% endcapture %} {% include example.html content=example %}

Shopping List Power Bar in a Site Layout

{% include examples/shopping-lists/_shopping-list-power-bar-site-example.html %}

Faux Shopping List Power Bar

If the content of your power bar is being loaded via ajax, there may be a delay before the content loads. In the mean time we can display a faux shopping list, and it has an altered look to help indicate it’s faux state. The faux version is sub-classed by shopping-list-power-bar-faux.

{% capture example %} {% include examples/shopping-lists/_shopping-list-power-bar-faux-example.html %} {% endcapture %} {% include example.html content=example %}