Standard Promotion Circular Item

Individual image items inside the digital circular.

The Standard Promotion replaces the legacy SIMG item.

In marketing, promotion refers to any type of marketing communication used to inform or persuade target audiences of the relative merits of a product, service, brand or issue. The aim of promotion is to increase awareness, create interest, generate sales or create brand loyalty.


The basic circular image item adds promotional content beyond the standard sale items.

Standard Promotion Circular Item

Tower format digital circular item with a 2k square image. The format is designed to sit nicely next to our Standard Circular Item in a row of similar sized items.

Picture of Sweet Corn Recipe Contest!

Enter to Win The Sweet Corn Recipe Contest!

Enter before 10/11/2020! Entry form, rules, and other details in the link below.

<article class="shadow circular-item circular-item-standard-promotion card card-standard col"  id="circular-item-1">
  <a class="circular-item-standard-promotion-link" href="">
    <img src="/assets/images/image-items/recipe_8288_2k_square.jpg" alt="Picture of Sweet Corn Recipe Contest!" class="circular-item-image card-img-top img-fluid">
  <div class="circular-item-body card-body">
    <h3 class="circular-item-title">Enter to Win The Sweet Corn Recipe Contest!</h3>
    <p class="circular-item-description">Enter before 10/11/2020! Entry form, rules, and other details in the link below.</p>
  <div class="circular-item-footer card-footer">
    <button class="circular-item-button btn btn-primary d-block w-100" target="_blank">
        Learn More & Enter! <i class="fa-solid fa-angle-right"></i>

Button Text

There is an upper limit of about 18 character to the amount of text you can place in the button before the text overflows the button at the smallest size. Because we are using proportional fonts the actual number of characters may vary based on which letters are used and if the site is using a custom font or custom font size.

Button Examples

The following button examples are forced to the minimum size (223px) used in a Tower (2k) Square Image Circular Item.

10 Characters

Short text like the 10 character example will nicely center in the button at any size.

18 Characters

18 characters is about as big as we can get without the button design looking broken.

20 Characters

At 20 characters the right arrow is uncomfortably close to the right side, it looks like a design mistake.

23 Characters

23 characters pushes content off the edge of the button, which is hidden from view.

Button Title Suggestions

The following button examples are effective calls to action. They are forced to the minimum size (223px) used in a Tower (2k) Square Image Circular Item.

Grid of Standard Promotion Circular Items

Picture of Sweet Corn Recipe Contest!

Enter to Win The Sweet Corn Recipe Contest!

Enter before 10/11/2020! Entry form, rules, and other details in the link below.

Picture of Sweet Corn Recipe Contest!

Enter to Win The Sweet Corn Recipe Contest!

Enter before 10/11/2020! Entry form, rules, and other details in the link below.

Picture of Sweet Corn Recipe Contest!

Enter to Win The Sweet Corn Recipe Contest!

Enter before 10/11/2020! Entry form, rules, and other details in the link below.

Picture of Sweet Corn Recipe Contest!

Enter to Win The Sweet Corn Recipe Contest!

Enter before 10/11/2020! Entry form, rules, and other details in the link below.

Picture of Sweet Corn Recipe Contest!

Enter to Win The Sweet Corn Recipe Contest!

Enter before 10/11/2020! Entry form, rules, and other details in the link below.

Picture of Sweet Corn Recipe Contest!

Enter to Win The Sweet Corn Recipe Contest!

Enter before 10/11/2020! Entry form, rules, and other details in the link below.

Mixed Items

Picture of Sweet Corn Recipe Contest!

Enter to Win The Sweet Corn Recipe Contest!

Enter before 10/11/2020! Entry form, rules, and other details in the link below.

Picture of Homegrown Amaize! Sweet Corn

LOCAL! Amaize! Sweet Corn - The Best Corn You'll Ever Eat!

Homegrown Amaize! Sweet Corn

White Sweet Corn with an Amazing Flavor, Distinctively Delicious Pop and Crunch

12 for $ 4 99 lb. with Card

Available for a Limited Time

Starts 4/10/2050

Recipe: Amaize Sweet Corn Summer Spreads

Picture of Homegrown Amaize! Sweet Corn

LOCAL! Amaize! Sweet Corn - The Best Corn You'll Ever Eat!

Homegrown Amaize! Sweet Corn

White Sweet Corn with an Amazing Flavor, Distinctively Delicious Pop and Crunch

12 for $ 4 99 lb. with Card

Available for a Limited Time

Starts 4/10/2050

Recipe: Amaize Sweet Corn Summer Spreads

Picture of Homegrown Amaize! Sweet Corn

LOCAL! Amaize! Sweet Corn - The Best Corn You'll Ever Eat!

Homegrown Amaize! Sweet Corn

White Sweet Corn with an Amazing Flavor, Distinctively Delicious Pop and Crunch

12 for $ 4 99 lb. with Card

Available for a Limited Time

Starts 4/10/2050

Recipe: Amaize Sweet Corn Summer Spreads

Picture of Homegrown Amaize! Sweet Corn

LOCAL! Amaize! Sweet Corn - The Best Corn You'll Ever Eat!

Homegrown Amaize! Sweet Corn

White Sweet Corn with an Amazing Flavor, Distinctively Delicious Pop and Crunch

12 for $ 4 99 lb. with Card

Available for a Limited Time

Starts 4/10/2050

Recipe: Amaize Sweet Corn Summer Spreads

Picture of Sweet Corn Recipe Contest!

Enter to Win The Sweet Corn Recipe Contest!

Enter before 10/11/2020! Entry form, rules, and other details in the link below.

LOCAL! Amaize! Sweet Corn - The Best Corn You'll Ever Eat!

Homegrown Amaize! Sweet Corn

White Sweet Corn with an Amazing Flavor, Distinctively Delicious Pop and Crunch

12 for $ 4 99 lb. with Card

Available for a Limited Time

Recipe: Amaize Sweet Corn Summer Spreads

LOCAL! Amaize! Sweet Corn - The Best Corn You'll Ever Eat!

Homegrown Amaize! Sweet Corn

White Sweet Corn with an Amazing Flavor, Distinctively Delicious Pop and Crunch

12 for $ 4 99 lb. with Card

Available for a Limited Time

Recipe: Amaize Sweet Corn Summer Spreads

LOCAL! Amaize! Sweet Corn - The Best Corn You'll Ever Eat!

Homegrown Amaize! Sweet Corn

White Sweet Corn with an Amazing Flavor, Distinctively Delicious Pop and Crunch

12 for $ 4 99 lb. with Card

Available for a Limited Time

Recipe: Amaize Sweet Corn Summer Spreads

LOCAL! Amaize! Sweet Corn - The Best Corn You'll Ever Eat!

Homegrown Amaize! Sweet Corn

White Sweet Corn with an Amazing Flavor, Distinctively Delicious Pop and Crunch

12 for $ 4 99 lb. with Card

Available for a Limited Time

Recipe: Amaize Sweet Corn Summer Spreads

Picture of Sweet Corn Recipe Contest!

Enter to Win The Sweet Corn Recipe Contest!

Enter before 10/11/2020! Entry form, rules, and other details in the link below.