
A compact and flexible pagination solution.

Basic Paging Example

<div class="paging btn-group" role="group" aria-label="Basic outlined example">
  <a href="#" class="paging-prev btn btn-outline-primary"><i class="fa-solid fa-angle-left"></i><span class="sr-only">Previous Page</span></a>
  <div class="paging-dropdown btn-group" role="group">
    <button type="button" class="paging-current-page btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false">
      <span class="d-none d-sm-inline">Page 2 of 3</span>
      <span class="d-inline d-sm-none">Pg. 2</span>
    <ul class="paging-dropdown-menu dropdown-menu">
      <li><a class="paging-menu-title dropdown-item" href="#"><strong class="paging-menu-title-text">Section Title</strong></a></li>
      <li><a class="paging-page dropdown-item" href="#">Page 1 of 3</a></li>
      <li><a class="paging-page dropdown-item active" href="#">Page 2 of 3</a></li>
      <li><a class="paging-page dropdown-item" href="#">Page 3 of 3</a></li>
  <a href="#" class="paging-next btn btn-outline-primary"><i class="fa-solid fa-angle-right"></i><span class="sr-only">Next Page</span></a>

CSS Classes

Class Validation Description
paging Required Namespace for the paging component. Placed on the root element of the component.
paging-prev Required Placed on the button for navigation to the previous page.
paging-next Required Placed on the button for navigation to the next page.
paging-dropdown Required Placed on the root element of the dropdown menu.
paging-current-page Required Placed on button that acts as a dropdown trigger. It displays the current page.
paging-dropdown-menu Required Placed on the list of dropdown items.
paging-menu-title Optional Used when a section heading is desired withing the dropdown menu.
paging-page Required The individual page links in the dropdown menu.

Paging vs. Pagination

Bootstrap already provides a Pagination feature, Paging is an alternative solution to navigating multiple pages of content. This alternative feature is called Paging instead of Pagination to avoid namespace collisions. By having this feature under the paging namespace it allows you to use either solution.

Side by Side Comparisons

The following examples use the Bootstrap pagination feature followed by the Core-Styles paging feature on the next line. This should help illustrate the differences clearly.

Small Dataset Comparison

With a small dataset there isn’t much difference between the two solutions.

Large Dataset Comparison

With a larger dataset the differences become more apparent. With a large dataset the Paging feature occupies roughly the same amount of space in the page layout, but the Pagination feature requires exponentially more space as the number of pages increases. The impact of this becomes even more dramatic on mobile devices where screen width is limited.

Additional Benefits of Paging

In addition to the compact size, there are a number of other benefits to Paging over Pagination components.

Enhanced Content

Anything you can place in a standard Bootstrap Dropdown Menu can be placed in a Paging Dropdown Menu.

  • Dividers
  • Section Headings
  • Notes
  • Longer Text (e.g. categories instead of pages)
  • Images
  • Forms

Infinite Scroll Support

The Infinite Scroll feature is designed to interact with a paging element when it is present on the same page as infinite scroll content.

Infinite Scroll will set a URL in the data-load-on-view attribute. If this matches a URL of a paging-page element the active class will be added to that paging-page element. Also, it will use the data-page-number and data-max-page-number attributes to set the text in the paging-current-page element. It takes the format of Page X of Y for desktop breakpoints and Pg. X for mobile breakpoints. When a heading or other html element with a paging-trigger class enters the viewport, the parent element with the data-load-on-view attribute will become the current page.

For more information on this functionality visit the documentation for the Infinite Scroll feature.