
Use the browser’s built in geolocation features.

Built for features like a store locator, the locate functionality uses the web browser’s geolocation capabilities to get your latitude and longitude, and use it to find nearby stores.


The base data-locate attribute defines the locate button.

Basic Example

<button data-locate data-locate-target="#store-search-results" data-locate-message="#locate-message" data-locate-hide-me data-locate-return-url="https://example.com" class="btn btn-outline-primary">
  <i class="fa-solid fa-location-arrow me-1"></i> Use My Location
<span id="locate-message"></span>
<div id="store-search-results"></div>


The following attributes are used by locate to enable rich functionality. These are placed on the button containing the data-locate attribute.

Attribute Description
data-locate The attribute data-locate being present on the element makes it a clickable button.
data-locate-target The attribute data-locate-target identifies the HTML element to place the search results inside.
data-locate-message The attribute data-locate-message identifies the HTML element to place the status messages inside.
data-locate-on-load The attribute data-locate-on-load tells the code to try geolocation on page load without waiting for a button click.
data-locate-hide-me The attribute data-locate-hide-me identifies the HTML elements to hide while the search results are being displayed, and reveal when the search is cancelled.
data-locate-redirect-url The data-locate-redirect-url attribute identifies the URL to use for the final destination. For example, return to the circular after using a store locator.