Ajax Modal

A modal available site-wide for AJAX content.

This feature allows to to create a button or link that opens a modal and loads HTML content into the modal from a remote URL.

Site Modal

This feature relies on hidden modal with the id site-model which is included on every CS3 page. The code is found on both the Public and Admin layouts.


When you set the data-bs-target of a modal trigger to #site-modal, then you are indicating you want to use the site wide modal, which enables remote content loading via AJAX. The data-load attribute specifies the URL to pull the body content from, it is expected to be in HTML format. You should also include the data-title to set the text for the title of the modal.

<button data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target="#site-modal" data-load="/ajax/alert_success" data-title="New Shopping List" data-footer="hide" class="btn btn-primary ">
  New Shopping List


The Site Modal inherits all the abilities of a standard modal, and is extended with the following options.

Attribute Validation Description
data-bs-toggle Required Set to modal to enable the modal to trigger when the element is clicked on.
data-bs-target Required Set to #site-modal to use the modal included on all CS3 pages.
data-title Required The value of this attribute will be used as the text in the title of the modal.
data-load Required Specifies the URL of the content you want AJAX’d into the modal body. The AJAX request should return HTML formatted content to display inside the modal.
data-footer Optional Present and given the value hide, it will hide the footer in the modal. Omitting this attribute will include the modal footer including a close button.