Core-Styles Documentation

Documentation for our CS3 components.


Curated set of icons from FontAwesome 5 & 6, and some of our own custom made icons. Core-Icons is now a part of Core-Styles

CS3 Bootstrap Extentions

Components, attributes, subclasses, and modifier classes which enhance and extend Boostrap components.

CS3 Components

Reusable components providing the base building blocks for page design. Buttons, dropdowns, alerts, and etc.

CS3 Getting Started

Webstop’s front-end framework contains finely crafted HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript designed to produce compelling web experiences for grocery retailer websites. Our framework takes advantage of modern tools to create mobile-first responsive websites.

CS3 Grocery Features

Features specific to Webstop's grocery retailer products. Things like Circulars, Recipes, and etc.

CS3 Layouts

Components and options for laying out websites, including wrapping containers, a powerful grid system, a flexible media object, and responsive utility classes.

CS3 Utilities

A utility class is typically a single, immutable property-value pairing expressed as a class.