Core Styles 3

This guide will help you get your website up and running with our modern framework in short order.

Getting Started

Webstop’s front-end framework contains finely crafted HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript designed to produce compelling web experiences for grocery retailer websites. Our framework takes advantage of modern tools to create mobile-first responsive websites.


Guides for getting the most out of Webstop's front-end design system. Learn how to unlock the power of front-end components & style guide driven development.


Components and options for laying out websites, including wrapping containers, a powerful grid system, a flexible media object, and responsive utility classes.


Reusable components providing the base building blocks for page design. Buttons, dropdowns, alerts, etc.

Core Icons

Curated set of icons from FontAwesome 5 & 6, and some of our own custom made icons. Core-Icons is now a part of Core-Styles.

Grocery Features

Features specific to Webstop's grocery retailer products. Things like Circulars, Recipes, etc.

Bootstrap Extentions

Components, attributes, subclasses, and modifier classes which enhance and extend Boostrap components.


A utility class is typically a single, immutable property-value pairing expressed as a class (e.g., .d-block represents display: block;).